

Dallas Buyer’s Club Case Against Australian Pirates

An attempt by the copyright owners (DBC) of Hollywood blockbuster, Dallas Buyers Club, to send letters of demand to thousands of alleged Australian piraters, has been recently denied by the Federal Court. In February, DBC won the right to obtain the names and...

Delay in Labour’s challenge to new divorce tax

Moves by the Coalition to introduce hikes in fees for both the Family and Federal Circuit Court were recently rejected by the Senate amidst claims that they were using “family breakdown as a cash cow.” The Government has since introduced almost identical reforms...

What happens if you don’t touch off? Is there a Defence?

$2.7 million… roughly the amount of a Toorak mortgage or the price of a beach house in Sorrento. It was therefore to Sarah Cole’s shock when she found her Myki was this amount in arrears during a recent top up. Ms Cole, an irregular commuter, has dismissed the figure...

Do female family violence abusers ‘get a free pass’?

In a recent article that has conjured up much controversy, former Queensland senator, Bill O’Chee, has cited statistics from the Australian Institute of Criminology to support his claim that female perpetrators of family violence ‘usually get a free pass’. The...

Cocaine, Cross Dressing And Children

In a recent decision, the Federal Circuit Court of Australia has imposed strict parenting arrangements upon the Father of a young daughter, after receiving evidence that the Father could not provide adequate care to the Child as a result of extracurricular activities...

Domestic violence by children

New statistics released by the Childrens Court of Victoria has revealed an alarming increase in the number of domestic violence orders made against children for acts committed against their parents. In 2014 alone, more than 870 children received family violence...

Family violence one of Australia’s dark, dark secrets’

  Victoria Police is set to follow in the footsteps of the new Andrews government, committing itself to appointing its first Assistant Commissioner for Domestic Violence, following the assignment of Northcote MP Fiona Richardson as Victoria’s first Minister for...

Is Sexting Without Consent A Criminal Offence

New laws are now in force throughout Victoria criminalising the malicious or deliberate sharing of intimate photos of an adult without their consent, or the sharing of images of anyone under 18 years of age, otherwise known as ‘sexting’. The two new laws attract hefty...

Children named as reason for staving off divorce

A recent survey of 9856 Australian married adults who admit to cheating on their spouse or partner has revealed that children are one of the reasons that they refrain from getting a divorce. Victoria Milan is a self-proclaimed dating website ‘specially designed for...
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