Child Support

How is Custody of Children Decided?

Equal shared parental responsibility (which is a presumption that the Court will make unless rebutted in cases of family violence or child abuse) means that both parents have equal say in long term matters relating to their child. An example of such a matter would be...

Private School Fees, A Big Child Maintenance Issue

Child Support and Private School Fee Disputes As a parent, if you have a higher level of income, you will be obligated to pay a percentage of your income to support your children. Typically, financial support for a child is determined by an assessment carried out by...

When does liability to pay child support stop?

The Federal Magistrates’ Court recently overturned a decision of the Social Security Appeals Tribunal (“the SSAT”) which found that the father of a 17 year old child was liable to continue to pay the mother child support pursuant to an administrative...