It is well known that being polite in the workplace is important to build rapport, improve team dynamics and establish a positive workplace culture. Being employed in a workplace where your bosses and colleagues are polite and friendly is a dream come true for most...
$2.7 million… roughly the amount of a Toorak mortgage or the price of a beach house in Sorrento. It was therefore to Sarah Cole’s shock when she found her Myki was this amount in arrears during a recent top up. Ms Cole, an irregular commuter, has dismissed the figure...
New laws are now in force throughout Victoria criminalising the malicious or deliberate sharing of intimate photos of an adult without their consent, or the sharing of images of anyone under 18 years of age, otherwise known as ‘sexting’. The two new laws attract hefty...
The Federal Court of Australia yesterday handed down a record $500k award in compensation to a former accountant who was repeatedly subjected to sexual harassment by a fellow colleague over a five year period. The ongoing harassment included vulgar suggestions of...