
Family Violence

Coercive Control Legislation

The Challenges of Coercive Control Legislation by Greta Madi Creating new offences which proscribe psychological harm to victims is fraught with uncertainty and thus lawmakers should be wary of creating reactive laws that are soon after rendered redundant.[1] It is...

Affect Of Family Violence On Asset Division During Divorce

The answer is that proof of family violence could be relevant to a property settlement in this way: In family law property settlements, the court decides how property is divided on the basis of financial and non-financial contributions made to the existing property....

Coercive Control – Time for law to change in favour of women?

Coercive control is a form of domestic abuse that involves a behavioural pattern of acts such as manipulation, gaslighting, humiliation, intimidation, and threats that erode your esteem and independence. Examples of coercive and controlling behavioural patterns...
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