
Setting Aside Family Court Orders | Property Lawyer Melbourne

Setting Aside Family Court Orders | Property Lawyer Melbourne

Some parties will feel after they have agreed on family court orders that the order was unjust and will sometimes ask for the court to set aside the order. There are only limited range of options and circumstances that permit this to happen. If you have entered a...
The Impact of Social Media on Family Law

The Impact of Social Media on Family Law

As social media has become embedded in our daily lives, it has had a transformational impact on the way we communicate and interact with each other. As a family lawyer whose career spans over 35 years, I am well aware of the significant impact that social media has...
Same Sex Family Lawyer Melbourne

Same Sex Family Lawyer Melbourne

As a same sex family lawyer at Rowan Skinner & Associates Lawyers, we provide comprehensive and compassionate legal services to everyone in our community, including those who identify as LGBTQIA+. We believe that everyone has the right to love and be loved, and...
My Partner Views Porn. Is it a Parenting Problem?

My Partner Views Porn. Is it a Parenting Problem?

Do Parents Who View Porn Present As a Risk to Their Children? Does your partner view porn? The online world has increasingly contributed to relationship problems and breakdowns. In child custody disputes the issue of a parent’s internet use is also becoming a growing...
Coercive Control Legislation

Coercive Control Legislation

The Challenges of Coercive Control Legislation by Greta Madi Creating new offences which proscribe psychological harm to victims is fraught with uncertainty and thus lawmakers should be wary of creating reactive laws that are soon after rendered redundant.[1] It is...
What Happens to Debt in Family Law Settlements?

What Happens to Debt in Family Law Settlements?

When a marriage or de facto relationship breaks down, financial assets are not the only thing up for division—debts, too, must be split between the parties. In some cases, these debts can significantly outweigh the couple’s assets, making the property settlement...
What happens when a surrogate decides to keep the child?

What happens when a surrogate decides to keep the child?

Surrogacy arrangements can be a long and difficult journey for both intending parents and the surrogate. It is every intending parents’ worst nightmare to hear their surrogate say that they want to renege from their surrogacy agreement by terminating the pregnancy or...
What is contempt in the Family Court?

What is contempt in the Family Court?

In the recent case heard at the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Division 1), Justice Gill made orders of six months imprisonment of Ms Trach, a mother who was found guilty of contempt for failing to provide information about location of her missing...