When a relationship ends, one of the most contentious issues is deciding who will reside in the matrimonial home and who must vacate. If the parties are unable to reach an amicable agreement, they may have to turn to the Family Law Court to seek an order for sole...
Surrogacy arrangements can be a long and difficult journey for both intending parents and the surrogate. It is every intending parents’ worst nightmare to hear their surrogate say that they want to renege from their surrogacy agreement by terminating the pregnancy or...
In the recent case heard at the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Division 1), Justice Gill made orders of six months imprisonment of Ms Trach, a mother who was found guilty of contempt for failing to provide information about location of her missing...
You may have heard of people asking for ‘prenups’ from discussions with friends, in the news, in movies or even songs, as Kanye West so famously sung ‘we want prenup, we want prenup, yeah!’. So, what is a prenup? Are prenups legal in Australia? How can you ensure your...
Regional Victoria’s recent case, Karcher v Lacoss, Judge O’Shannessy made orders providing for the father to have sole parental responsibility for COVID-19 vaccinations and other vaccinations of their child. The questions raised at the interim defended hearing were...
At Rowan Skinner & Associates Lawyers, we understand that parenting arrangements after separation can be challenging, and knowing where to begin may feel overwhelming. Many parents often ask, “How do I get custody of my children?” However, under Australian law,...