Family Law

Family violence one of Australia’s dark, dark secrets’

  Victoria Police is set to follow in the footsteps of the new Andrews government, committing itself to appointing its first Assistant Commissioner for Domestic Violence, following the assignment of Northcote MP Fiona Richardson as Victoria’s first Minister for...

Children named as reason for staving off divorce

A recent survey of 9856 Australian married adults who admit to cheating on their spouse or partner has revealed that children are one of the reasons that they refrain from getting a divorce. Victoria Milan is a self-proclaimed dating website ‘specially designed for...

Care must be taken when making a Binding Financial Agreement

‘A recent Family Court decision[1] demonstrates the importance of receiving accurate advice from a solicitor when entering into a binding Financial Agreement, also called a prenup or prenuptial agreement. The Full Court of the Family Court has recently...

Victims of family violence granted faster access to protection

New laws that came into effect on Sunday now grant police the power to issue family violence intervention orders 24/7 in a bid to afford greater protection to victims of family violence. Previously, police were only able to issue on-the-spot intervention orders for...