To hyphenate- or not to hyphenate At first glance, the thought of commencing expensive legal proceedings over whether to hyphenate a child’s family name might make you hyperventilate, however, in a recent Full Court decision, Justices Ryan, Murphy and Aldridge were...
Two Australian teenagers are the latest to have their right to enter and reside in the US scrutinized- not by everyone’s favourite Republican (…), but by the Australian High Court. On appeal from a decision of Justice Watts of the Family Court, a new High Court case...
Oh dear! James Packer and Mariah Carey’s breakup with reported talks of about $6 million annual payments and private jets from their prenup agreements raises the question, ‘is this only for the mega rich?’ The answer is no. A recent article in The Age on the use of...
Victoria and South Australia have enacted criminal penalties in relation to perpetrators of revenge porn. Revenge porn is the distribution of sexually explicit images, videos and other materials without consent which is designed to inflict embarrassment and / or worse...
The 2012 Australian Bureau of Statistics Personal Safety Survey shows that 8.2 percent of all men have experienced violence by a female intimate partner-roughly one in 12-with almost a quarter of all victims of intimate partner violence being male. Even though...
Family Violence Royal Commissioner, Marcia Neave reported at the Law Institute Family Violence Conference on 5 August 2016 that a fellow judge had told her that he still had nightmares as a consequence of the violence he witnessed of his father towards his mother. The...