Rosa Silvestro is a child psychologist who specialises in acting as a Family Consultant in Family Court matters. She spoke to the Victorian Bar about the utility of obtaining family therapy in family law matters. Family therapy is frequently used where the family...
Relocation cases often arise in family law proceedings, in which one parent proposes to relocate with the child or children of the relationship. The proposed relocation will fall under one of the following situations: the parent will either seek to relocate within...
There are many common concerns associated with introducing your new partner to your children. It can be a difficult process deciding the right time and the right approach to take when doing so. In addition, new partners can affect the view of your former spouse, the...
One of the most stressful life experiences is the process of going through a divorce or separation. The process and the emotions associated with it are all-consuming, making it a particularly stressful period in a person’s life. Marilyn Stowe, and English family law,...
A recent study was completed in England and reported in the Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law (JSWFL). It was conducted by Dr Adrienne Barnett and found that in particular, estranged Fathers with a proven history of family violence could use parental alienation...
In the case of Coulter v Coulter (No 2) [2019] FCCA 1290 (15 May 2019), a Mother, concerned that the Father was tactically alienating at least one of their children from her and apprehensive of her own safety, secretly video and audio recorded the Father, without his...