Family Law

‘Special contributions’ in financial cases a terrible mistake?

In the recent decision of Hoffman v Hoffman [2014] FamCAFC 92, the Family Court of Australia Full Court found that the previously relied upon ‘notion of special contribution has all been a terrible mistake’ (Hoffman at [61], citing D & D [2005] FamCA 1462 at...

Wife enjoys all of $6m lottery win after she separated from her husband

After two years of court proceedings, a woman who won $6 million in a lottery can now enjoy the entirety of her winnings in peace. The woman’s ex-husband – with whom she was married for 20 years before their separation in 2008 – attempted to claim a piece of the pie...

School holidays a potential detriment for marriages, UK study reveals

It can prove difficult to find additional time and financial resources to accommodate the company of children during school holidays. A recent UK study of 2,000 parents indicated that women, more so than men, found the school holiday period particularly stressful. The...