
When can a separated parent elect to relocate with their child?

This is a more common issue being pursued more commonly in the courts. Separated parents with children subject to time arrangements must understand that if they want to move from their existing premises, they must discuss this with the other parent and seek their...

How parental child abuse affects access to childen

This is a difficult area of law. Under severe circumstances parents will be denied the right to communicate with their child. This is best demonstrated in the case of Tate & Ralph [2012] FMCAfam 279 (4 May 2012), in which a father was denied the right to spend...

When does liability to pay child support stop?

The Federal Magistrates’ Court recently overturned a decision of the Social Security Appeals Tribunal (“the SSAT”) which found that the father of a 17 year old child was liable to continue to pay the mother child support pursuant to an administrative...

Am I allowed access the frozen sperm of my late partner?

The Family Court recently held that it did not have jurisdiction to grant ownership of the frozen sperm of the Applicant’s late partner to her. The Applicant sought an order that she be granted ownership of Mr J’s sperm, with whom she had been in a relationship for...