What safety measures are available to victims of domestic violence?

Lonely Sad Woman Deep In Thoughts (Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici, FreeDigitalPhotos.net)

Henrietta Cook reports that not-for-profit organisation, Safe Futures Foundation, is trialling new safety measures with a handful of domestic violence victims throughout Melbourne.

The trial sees victims equipped with duress alarms and the installation of CCTV cameras in their homes.

Safe Futures Foundation indicated that part of the difficulty in prosecuting offenders is the lack of evidence. Typically, when a report of domestic violence is made, the evidence comes down to what the woman alleges versus what the man alleges, leaving the courts little basis to reach a conviction. According to Safe Futures Foundation, the installation of CCTV cameras in the homes of domestic violence victims would act as a deterrence as most offenders do not want criminal charges.

Robert Clark, Attorney-General, was in support of proposals to address family violence, though highlighted the fact that Victorian courts can currently order offenders to wear electronic tracking devices to monitor their movements.


Domestic violence victims begin warning system trial backed by victoria police

Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici, FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Rowan Skinner

About Rowan Skinner

Rowan Skinner is a highly skilled family lawyer with over 35 years of experience across various legal roles and jurisdictions. Rowan specialises in resolving family law disputes such as divorce, financial settlements, child custody and domestic violence cases. Through his diverse and extensive experience, Rowan has a deep understanding of the complexities and nuances involved in family law. Rowan is a skilled negotiator and litigator who follows a compassionate and client-focused approach which prioritises helping you navigate what can be an emotional and challenging time.