In 2012, a 21 year old Chinese woman was beaten to death by her mother-in-law who wanted her son to divorce the woman and marry another woman for a $500,000 dowry. In 2014, an Indian man murdered his wife in front of their young son and later took his own life,...
Matrimonial Losses – Sexually Transmitted Debt Matrimonial debt accrued during a marriage is shared by both husband and wife in most cases at the end of a marriage. In a well-known case the Family Court stated that ‘marriage is for most couples an economic...
Are post-separation contributions included in the asset pool in family law property cases? The short answer is Yes, post-separation contributions are a monetary contribution type included in the asset pool to be assessed in a property settlement for the...
In recent times, the Family Court has been criticised for its failure to provide efficient and effective services due to the Government’s lack of funding and failure to legislate to improve its process. The response was to delegate and split the work load with the...
The Women’s Legal Service say that it is not. A client of mine recently left her husband of 15 years with her three young children, after he came to bed with a knife, having had one of his regular five bottle binges. Despite this horrendous event she was still...
Child Support and Private School Fee Disputes As a parent, if you have a higher level of income, you will be obligated to pay a percentage of your income to support your children. Typically, financial support for a child is determined by an assessment carried out by...