Are you concerned about how conflict in your marriage or relationship might be affecting your children? Or your friend or relative’s children? It is obvious isn’t it, that a combatitive conflictual relationship could affect the children of that relationship, but how...
In a recent decision by the Federal Circuit Court, a Father was granted interim unsupervised time with his six-year-old child due to complications caused by the current COVID-19 pandemic.[1] In 2014, the Federal Circuit Court granted the Mother sole parental...
Imagine feeling that you are not able to leave your partner because your partner does not permit you to earn money or allow you access to any financial resources to re-home yourself. How do you leave with any possessions you may have, when you may not have access to a...
Family Law Funding The Family Court has power to order that a party in a litigation can pay to the other party their legal costs in the proceedings, as it considers appropriate. These are known as litigation funding orders and are made under three powers in the Family...
Does Family Dispute Resolution really work? Alternative dispute resolution (“ADR”) is a process that is inherently reliant on an equal power dynamic existing between the parties.[1]Brianna Batey evaluates ADR processes in the family law jurisdiction and their ability...
What is BWS? Battered woman syndrome (‘BWS’) is a well-known psychological condition that was first introduced in the 1970s to describe the altered mental state of victims of family violence. BWS ordinarily develops in women who have been victims of long-term...