The COVID-19 pandemic has been labelled as many things by many people, but can be it described as an ‘exceptional circumstance’ required to set aside your Binding Child Support Agreement? The recent Family Court case of Martyn[1] found that yes, the COVID-19 pandemic...
Are you a hopeful parent intending to use a sperm donor to have a child? Or are you a sperm donor intending to assist another in starting or growing their family? If you or someone you know is considering or has already used a sperm donor to conceive a child, it is...
Digital domestic abuse is a growing and dangerous form of family violence that transcends geography and traditional definitions of domestic violence. Technology facilitates perpetrators’ ability to pervasively control and coerce victims. Like all forms of domestic...
As globalisation has made the world more interconnected, it is more common for couples to be married to an overseas resident or own property in several countries. This can convolute divorce settlements as family law legislation from other countries can stipulate...
The 2019 Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia Bill is intended to combine the two family courts into the singular Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia. The bill passed in the Senate during February following support from key crossbencher, Rex...
Coercive control is a form of domestic abuse that involves a behavioural pattern of acts such as manipulation, gaslighting, humiliation, intimidation, and threats that erode your esteem and independence. Examples of coercive and controlling behavioural patterns...